Indra’s Net Theater brings a new production of Michael Frayn’s award-winning ‘Copenhagen’ to Berkeley in late 2019. The production will be directed by Bruce Coughran and will feature the newly revised 2018 version of the play about the founders of quantum mechanics (Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg) during a fateful meeting in the middle of World War II. See for more information.
Theater and Film Projects for the New Millennium
“We live in an extremely exciting time. The world is now interconnected in a way that is unprecedented in history. People have capabilities to act globally from their desktop. Things that were unimaginable a few years ago are commonplace, and worldwide. I am interested in the stories that help people to navigate this new world, and, at the same time, connect them with their essential humanity, a humanity that doesn’t change with a change in technology. Real human stories, laughter, love, insight into the spirit; these things will always interest, excite and entertain us.”